Probate vs. Non-Probate Assets in TX| The Probate Law Group

Probate vs. Non-Probate Assets in Texas

 After losing a loved one, many heirs have a genuine need to claim as many of the assets as possible as quickly as possible. Thus, they always want to know whether all the assets must go through probate, and what they can do to speed the process along. Probate may be avoided for some assets […]

4 Common Houston, TX, Probate Problems | The Probate Law Group

4 Common Houston, TX, Probate Problems

Many Houston residents make the mistake of believing that probate will be a simple, easy process. Hiring a lawyer seems intimidating and expensive, so they try to avoid it whenever possible. In reality, probate can get complicated fast, even if the will seems simple. Here are some of the most common problems Houston residents face […]

FAQs About Harris County Probate | Houston, TX | The Probate Law Group

FAQs About Harris County Probate 

To smooth the process, we offer answers to the most common questions we get about probate in Harris County, Texas.  How long does probate take in Harris County?  After you file, you cIf you’ve suffered a death in your family recently, we’re sorry for your loss. We also know you’re under a lot of stress. […]

Estate Planning in Texas - The Probate Law Group

Navigating Probate Amidst Family Dynamics in Texas

The process of Probate in Texas carries its own set of challenges, which can be further complicated by potential family disagreements. To mitigate the risk of disputes and ensure a smoother transition during probate, we at The Probate Law Group suggest several proactive measures to help your family avoid unnecessary conflicts and emotionally charged disputes. […]

Navigating the Probate Process in Texas

Navigating the Probate Process in Texas: Understanding Which Assets Are Subject to Probate

The probate process is a complex and often misunderstood aspect of managing a decedent’s estate, presenting challenges for those grieving the loss of a loved one. At The Probate Law Group, our mission includes clarifying the probate process for our clients and those seeking guidance, ensuring they comprehend the proceedings in court. This article focuses […]

Understanding Exempt Property in Texas Probate | The Probate Law Group

Understanding Exempt Property in Texas Probate

Some of a deceased person’s personal property is protected from creditors and exempt from probate. The list of exemptions even allows for the retention of certain farm animals or pieces of farm equipment.  Of course, as with anything related to a legal matter, property exemptions can become somewhat complicated.  Here are some of the most […]

4 Ways to Probate a Will in Texas | The Probate Law Group

4 Ways to Probate a Will in Texas

Texas offers multiple types of probate that cover different situations. These are four separate processes, and each works a little differently. Regardless of the process that gets used, it is vital to work closely with a knowledgeable probate lawyer throughout the process.  #1) Independent Administration Independent administration is the process that gets used when: A […]

4 Common Probate Problems in Texas - The Probate Law Group

4 Common Probate Problems in Texas 

It would be nice if probate could be simple for every Texan. Unfortunately, the process doesn’t always run smoothly. Here are four probate problems that can arise when the decedent’s assets go to probate. #1) Lack of Estate Planning on the Part of the Decedent It’s very common for a person to die and for […]

probate lawyers in Texas

What to Expect During the Texas Probate Process

The Texas Probate process causes a great deal of anxiety mostly because people don’t know what to expect. Until a close loved one dies, it remains a mysterious process that few people have to deal with. We want to help put your mind at ease by giving you a window into the probate process.  How […]

Who Can Challenge a Will in Texas, and Why? | The Probate Law Group

Who Can Challenge a Will in Texas, and Why?

Challenges to wills may be the subject of many television dramas, with everyone from butlers to long-lost cousins waltzing in to deprive rightful heirs of their fortunes. In reality, in Texas, there are limits to who may challenge a will and why.  Here’s what you need to know as you head into the probate process. […]