Hiring a Lawyer Necessary for Probate in Texas

Is Hiring a Lawyer Necessary for Probate in Texas?

Navigating the complexities of the probate process without legal guidance can be daunting. At The Probate Law Group, we often encounter concerns about the cost versus the benefit of enlisting an attorney’s help for probate proceedings. So, let’s address a common question: Is legal representation a requirement for probate in Texas? In many cases within […]

Frequently Asked Questions About Texas Muniment of Titles - The Probate Law Group

Frequently Asked Questions About Texas Muniment of Titles

Transferring real estate after death can get complicated, especially if you can’t locate the real estate title. Fortunately, Texas has a procedure that allows courts to treat certain documents as proof of a property title so the transfer may proceed. This may only be done when the deceased leaves a valid will behind and may […]