Hiring a Lawyer Necessary for Probate in Texas

Is Hiring a Lawyer Necessary for Probate in Texas?

Navigating the complexities of the probate process without legal guidance can be daunting. At The Probate Law Group, we often encounter concerns about the cost versus the benefit of enlisting an attorney’s help for probate proceedings. So, let’s address a common question: Is legal representation a requirement for probate in Texas? In many cases within […]

Understanding Competence in Texas Probate Law

Understanding Competence in Texas Probate Law

Crafting a will is a critical step in Probate, underpinned by the assumption that the individual making the will can competently make such decisions. However, situations arise where an individual’s mental capacity is questioned, potentially affecting the validity of their will or estate plans in the future. This article delves into key insights about probate […]

Initiate Probate

When an Executor Fails to Initiate Probate: Navigating the Challenges

Ideally, the probate process unfolds smoothly, ensuring a deceased person’s assets are distributed among their beneficiaries efficiently and correctly. However, complications can arise, one of which includes an executor’s failure to commence the probate proceedings. In this discussion, we explore the repercussions of such inaction and outline potential recourse for those adversely affected by this […]

When May You Avoid Probate in Texas? | The Probate Law Group

When May You Avoid Probate in Texas?

Probate is right up there, with root canals on the list of things that people dread. So, it’s not difficult to imagine why most people want to know whether and when they can just skip the whole thing. Texas does have several methods for skipping probate in very specific circumstances and some methods for simplifying, […]

4 Common Probate Problems in Texas - The Probate Law Group

4 Common Probate Problems in Texas 

It would be nice if probate could be simple for every Texan. Unfortunately, the process doesn’t always run smoothly. Here are four probate problems that can arise when the decedent’s assets go to probate. #1) Lack of Estate Planning on the Part of the Decedent It’s very common for a person to die and for […]

4 Responsibilities for Executors in Texas - The Probate Law Group

4 Responsibilities for Executors in Texas

If you’ve recently been named the executor of a friend or loved one’s will, you might be feeling overwhelmed. After all, you’ve inherited weighty legal responsibilities, and you may not even understand how to do the job. Here are four responsibilities you can expect to receive when you become an executor and what you can […]

probate lawyers in Texas

What to Expect During the Texas Probate Process

The Texas Probate process causes a great deal of anxiety mostly because people don’t know what to expect. Until a close loved one dies, it remains a mysterious process that few people have to deal with. We want to help put your mind at ease by giving you a window into the probate process.  How […]

What Happens When a Person Dies Without a Will in Texas? - The Probate Law Group

What Happens When a Person Dies Without a Will in Texas?

Dying without a will is known as dying intestate. Intestacy requires the state to distribute the assets of the estate in accordance with that state’s law.  Who inherits will depend on who survives the decedent and state law. The state will use the heirship process to determine who the surviving heirs are, and in what […]

Frequently Asked Questions About Texas Muniment of Titles - The Probate Law Group

Frequently Asked Questions About Texas Muniment of Titles

Transferring real estate after death can get complicated, especially if you can’t locate the real estate title. Fortunately, Texas has a procedure that allows courts to treat certain documents as proof of a property title so the transfer may proceed. This may only be done when the deceased leaves a valid will behind and may […]

probate lawyers in Texas

Simplified Probate Process in Texas: What You Need to Know

Navigating the probate process in Texas can be overwhelming, especially for beneficiaries dealing with a decedent’s estate. The Probate Law Group brings you good news – a simplified probate process is available for estates below a certain value. This shorter and more efficient process comes with important procedural steps that cannot be avoided.   Who […]