4 Common Houston, TX, Probate Problems | The Probate Law Group

4 Common Houston, TX, Probate Problems

Many Houston residents make the mistake of believing that probate will be a simple, easy process. Hiring a lawyer seems intimidating and expensive, so they try to avoid it whenever possible. In reality, probate can get complicated fast, even if the will seems simple. Here are some of the most common problems Houston residents face […]

4 Ways to Probate a Will in Texas | The Probate Law Group

4 Ways to Probate a Will in Texas

Texas offers multiple types of probate that cover different situations. These are four separate processes, and each works a little differently. Regardless of the process that gets used, it is vital to work closely with a knowledgeable probate lawyer throughout the process.  #1) Independent Administration Independent administration is the process that gets used when: A […]

What to Expect During the Texas Probate Process - The Probate Law Group in Houston, TX

Myths and Facts About Probate in Texas

Probate is a poorly understood process. It’s not unusual for Texans to have a great deal of trepidation and worry about the Texas probate process and what it entails.  As probate lawyers in Houston, TX, we want to help clear up some of those misconceptions  Myth: Probate must always be lengthy and expensive. We help […]